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Enjoy and learning Japanese!!
Anime Is Perfect for Learning Japanese

Did you know “Anime is good learning Japanese tool?”
There are two reasons.
- Anime character use real Japanese
- You can enjoy to watch Anime, so you can keep studying
I call SFromA (Study From Anime) that helps you learning Japanese free.
I made SFromA Japanese → English,
English → Japanese.
Japanese → English is not lot yet, but I will make for you guys!
All Anime Is Good for SFromA?

My answer is NO.
Because some character uses weird or funny speaking style.
Good example for this is Naruto.
We never use 『だってばよ “da tte ba yo“』in my life.

I make a list that who’s Japanese is good for learning Japanese.
You can choose Anime from SFromA, and
you can start learning Japanese!

Any language study, you need to continue.
Anime helps you to keep studying.
How To Use SFromA ?

This is very simple.
There are two steps.
- Watch Anime Japanese and English subtitle. (Just enjoy)
- Watch SFromA (I pick 2 or 3 phrase that real Japanese use)
You can listen Japanese, and
you have multiple choice to answer.
Let’s start it!
Tokyo Revengers Is Good For Learning Japanese!
『遊ぼうよaso bo u yo。』Mikey
Answer is … 1
“A so bu” means play,
When you say, “A so bo yo”, It means Let’s hang out.
However, it is not always. Thus, try to remember “a so bo yo” means Let’s hang out
→ like mikey used!!
Answer Video
Answer is … 2.
If you want to talk to older or respect person, you should say
“na ma e wa na ni?”
If you say only “Na ma e wa?”, it is little be rude.
→ you can use it for only friends!
Answer Video.
Today’s best moment in Episode 3
“Just promise me one thing. Don’t ever lay a finger on Hina! ” Takemichi Hanagaki

Just promise me…
Just promise me one thing.
Don’t ever lay a finger on Hina!
Takemichi Hanagaki