Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer for studying Japanese Part 12

Hello guys! Are you ready to study Japanese?Dameon Slayer is so fun, isn't it?If you like it, you can watch continually right?After you watch Anime, you can study Japanese from Anime. This way is easy to understand what is the situation bscause you already watch it!
Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer for studying Japanese Part 11

Hello guys! Are you ready to study Japanese?Finally, Zenitsu is coming from this ch 11.If you do not like Zenitsu because he is crazy, but you are going to like it. Also, Inosuke is coming too.
Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer for studying Japanese Part 10

Hello guys! Are you ready to study Japanese?SFromA helps you to continue to study Japanese.When you watch Anime, you can also study Japanese.
Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer for studying Japanese Part 09

Hello guys. Are you ready to study Japanese??This SFromA relate with Demon Slayer Ch9, soyou watch ch9 and you can understand what I talk about.SFromA can learn pronounce too, so you should watch anime first!Let's start it.
Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer for studying Japanese Part 08

Hello guys! Are you ready to study Japanese?Did you already watch CH8??If you did not watch it, you can watch it and come back! So, you can know what I talk about here!You can learn to pronounce too, so it is important to watch first.
Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer for studying Japanese Part 07

Hello guys! Are you ready to study Japanese? This SFromA cover Demon Slayer part 7.After you watch the Anime, you can imagine the great scean. It is amazing!Let's start studying!
Demon Slayer

Demon Slayer for studying Japanese Part 06

Hello guys! Are you ready to study Japanese?Tanjiro and Nezuko are your teacher!You can study about new Japanese vocabulary, short sentence, and Japanese connection words.