Hello guys. Are you ready to study Japanese??
This SFromA relate with Demon Slayer Ch9, so
you watch ch9 and you can understand what I talk about.
SFromA can learn pronounce too, so you should watch anime first!
Let’s start it.
SFromA Level 1
SFromA Level 1 focuses on vocabulary.
・あんぜん (a nn ze nn)
→ safe
・きけん (ki ke nn)
→ dangerous
・きもの (ki mo no)
→ kimono, clothes at that time.
・てまり (te ma ri)
→ the ball which is an old toy.
SFromA Level 2
SFromA Level 2 focuses on a short sentence.
When you can memorize it, you can use it in Japan.
Also, you need to know pronunciation.
→you can study from Anime!
When Tamayo gets injure, Tamayo says to Tanjiro about “Don’t worry!”
・きにしないで (ki ni shi na i de)
This short sentece can use male and female.
Try to memorize with pronounce.
SFromA Level 3
SFromA Level 3 focuses on the Japanese connection.
It is hard to understand why this connection word…
So, you need to learn about the situation when the connection word use.
・てのひらのめだま (te no hi ra no me da ma)
→ those eyeballs on his hands
めだま (me da ma) = eyeballs
てのひら (te no hi ra) = on his hands
Today’s connection word is “の” (no)
EX) りんごのかわ (ri nn go no ka wa ) Apple’s skin
→ apple の(no) skin
EX2) みぎのめ (mi gi no me) = right of eye
→right の(no) eye
Let’s use those two as decoys and escape!
I’m just kidding