When You start studying Japanese, you should know this.
- Japanese is difficult more than English because of the same words but different meanings by different Pronunciation.
- Japanese is difficult, so you need to keep studying!!
- Anime characters teach you how to pronounce Japanese.
If you are first time SFromA, you should check these 3 steps before studying.
Hello guys!
Are you ready to study Japanese?
I said Japanese connection words are hard to understand every time…
Do you know why?
Because there are many words for the Japanese connection word, and just one word but a lot of meanings.
I recommend to understand it, you need to study as many times as possible you can!
Let’s study Japanese!!!
SFromA Level 1
SFromA Level 1 is vocabulary. Try to memorize it!
・おもい (o mo i)
→ heavy
・おこる (o ko ru)
→ angry
・ぼうりょく (bo u ryo ku)
→ violence
・ことば (ko to ba)
→ words, language

You know some English word has many meanings such as take, make, etc…
It is the same thing for the Japanese.
But, the Japanese have a Kanji. So, we can figure out even the same pronounce.
おもい (o mo i) = 重い = heavy
おもい (o mo i) = 思い = feeling.
SFromA Level 2
SFromA Level 2 focuses on the short sentence.
When you can memorize it, you can use it in Japan.
Also, I pick up the short sentence that I have used in my life.
In other words, Japanese use these sentences! I think other Anime use this one!
First, Asui (frog lady) said to Izuku and Mineta…
・いそぎましょ (I so gi ma sho u)
→ Let’s hurry!
Second, Shigaraki said to Allmight…
・ばれるのはや (ba re ru no ha ya)
→ He’s already figure me out?

When you hide something, and the guy finds it so quickly… Then you can say
ばれる (ba re ru) = figure out, get caught, find out.
SFromA Level 3
SFromA Level 3 focuses on Japanese connection words.
It is difficult, but it is important!
Let’s study!!!
・わたしの100%をたえるなら (wa ta shi no 100 % wo ta e ru na ra)
→ If you can withstand me at 100%,

First, 100 = ひゃく (hya ku)
% = パーセント = (pa – se nn to)
withstand = たえる (ta e ru)
Today’s connection word is two, “の” and “を“
わたし (wa ta shi ) の ちから (ti ka ra) を ためす (ta me su)
= I (wa ta shi) の power (ti ka ra) を try (ta me su)
= = I try my power
Did you get some ideas…?
One more example.
ぼく (bo ku) の あし (a shi) を さわる (sa wa ru)
= I (bo ku) の feet (a shi) を touch (sa wa ru)
= = I touch my feet.
(wa ta shi ta i sa ku?)
Made to fight me?
(wa ta shi no hya ku % wo ta e ru na ra)
If you can withstand me at 100%,
(sa ra ni u e ka ra ne ji hu se yo)
then I’ll force you to surrender from beyond that!