Demon Slayer for studying Japanese Part 13

Demon Slayer
Are you ready to study Japanese from Anime

When You start studying Japanese, you should know this.

  1. Japanese is difficult more than English because of the same words but different meanings by different Pronunciation.
  2. Japanese is difficult, so you need to keep studying!!
  3. Anime characters teach you how to pronounce Japanese.

If you are first time SFromA, you should check these 3 steps before studying.

  1. Do you just watch Anime? It waste of your time…
  2. The first step to study Japanese
  3. How to use “Study from Anime(SFromA)”??

Hello guys!
Are you ready to study Japanese??

You can learn many things from Demon Slayer.
Not just Japanese.

Tnajiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke, all of them are different personality.
They are always dangerous when they battle against demons, but they will never give up.
They just want to reduce victims of demons.

SFromA Level 1

SFromA Level 1 focuses on vocabulary.

・すごい (su go i)
 → amazing, incredible.

・こきゅう (ko kyu u)
 → breathing

・つまらない (tu ma ra na i)
 → boring

SFromA Level 2

SFromA Level 2 focuses on the short sentence that you can use if you can memorize it.
You need to memorize it with pronouncing too.

First, the teacher is Zenitsu.
When he opens the door and check inside the room, and he said it.

・だれもいない (da re mo i na i)
→ There’s nobody around.


If you can’t find anybody, you can use it.
Or, you can say it when you going to store, there is nobody.

SFromA Level 3

SFromA Level 3 focuses on Japanese connection words.
It is hard to understand the definition of connection words because it is a lot of meanings.

SFromA uses many situations to teach you how to work Japanese connection words.
It will help you understand it.

When Tanjiro find Zenitsu by smell, and he said
・ちにおいだ (ti no ni o i da)
 → I smell blood!


Today’s connection word is “の”

It is easy but so important!!!!

There is another example of の.
1、いえなか(i e no na ka)
→ inside the house.
2、tanjiro みみ (Tanjiro no mi mi)
 → Tanjiro’s ears.


 I protected it.

 Because you said, 

 This was more important to you… than your life
Zenitsu Agatsuma