When You start studying Japanese, you should know this.
- Japanese is difficult more than English because of the same words but different meanings by different Pronunciation.
- Japanese is difficult, so you need to keep studying!!
- Anime characters teach you how to pronounce Japanese.
If you are first time SFromA, you should check these 3 steps before studying.
Hello guys!
Are you ready to study Japanese?
This chapter is Kochou and Tomioka battle a lot!!
I hope you guys enjoyed it.
After you watch it, you can see the image of Anime by this SFromA!
it is an amazing tool because you did not watch it when you study Japanese in SFromA, but you can imagine the sean.
Let’s start studying!!
SFromA Level 1
SFromA Level 1 focuses on vocabulary.
・ようこそ (yo u ko so)
→ welcome
・のむ (no mu)
→ drink
・とくべつ (to ku be tu)
→ special
SFromA Level 2
SFromA Level 2 focuses on the short sentence that you can use if you can memorize it.
You need to memorize it with pronouncing too.
First, the demon is killed by Shinobu. When the demon could get a chance from Rui, and she said…
・しくじった。(shi ku ji tta)
→ I messed up!

Try to memorize it!!!!
When you miss something, you can say it.
SFromA Level 3
SFromA Level 3 focuses on Japanese connection words.
It is hard to understand the definition of connection words because it is a lot of meanings.
SFromA uses many situations to teach you how to work Japanese connection words.
It will help you understand it.
・かあさんがやられた。(ka a sa nn ga ya ra re ta.)
→ Mother’s been killed!

Today’s connection word is “が”
Definition: AがB. = A doing B.
EX) Tanjirouがきる。 (tanjirou ga ki ru)
→ Tanjirou cut it.
EX) Zenitusがはしる (Zenitsu ga ha shi ru)
→ Zenitsu run
You did a good job holding out until I got here.
Leave the rest to me.
Giyu Tomioka