When You start studying Japanese, you should know this.
- Japanese is difficult more than English because of the same words but different meanings by different Pronunciation.
- Japanese is difficult, so you need to keep studying!!
- Anime characters teach you how to pronounce Japanese.
If you are first time SFromA, you should check these 3 steps before studying.
Hello guys!
Are you ready to study Japanese??
Even if you are tired, you should study every day.
You know why?
Human always forget something every day if you don’t use it.
America does not have a chance to use Japanese.
So, you should study Every day!!!!
Let’s go!
SFromA Level 1
SFromA Level 1 focuses on new words!
・かりる (ka ri ru)
→ borrow
・まけ (ma ke)
→ lost
・まける (ma ke ru)
→ lose
SFromA Level 2
SFromA Level 2 focuses on a short sentence which is you can memorize it.
First, Todoroki said I am a different level…
・わるかったな (wa ru ka tta na)
→ Sorry.
Second, Kirishima (red hair) said Izuku…
・ おつかれ!
→ good work.
SFromA Level 3
SFromA Level 3 focuses on the Japanese connection word.
(kunnrenn wo chuushisuru nowo chuuchoshimashita)
→ I hesitated to stop the training match.

・くんれん (ku nn re nn) = training
・ちゅうし (chu u shi) = to stop
・ちゅうちょした (chu u cho shi ta) = hesitated
Today’s Japanese connection word “を“
training を stop = stop training
fire を extinguish = extinguish the fire.
Don’t think, feel…
(ko kka ra da!)
I’m juts…
(o re ha ko kka ra!)
I’m just getting started!
(i i ka !)
You hear?
(o re ha ko ko de i ti ba nn ni na tte ya ru!)
Here, I will become number one!
Katsuki Bakugou