- English and Japanese are very different, so don’t worry that you can’t understand everything.
- You should study every day, so Anime is helpful.
- you should keep studying in your life.
Thus, Anime is helpful because when you are interesting, you can keep studying!!!
※If you never studying Japanese, you should watch this one first.
1, Do you just watch Anime?
2, The first step to study Japanese
3, How to use “Study from Anime(SFromA)”??
こんにちは! (ko nn ni ti wa !) → hello.
What’s up guys!
Are you ready to study Japanese? Anime character waits for you on TV or your phone!
Let’s keep studying!
SFromA Level 1
First one, Krone talks about kids in the farm.
- Escape = 逃げる = にげる = (ni ge ru)

Krone said that 逃げろよ = にげろよ = (ni ge ro yo)
Also, she said same words but different subtitles.
逃げて = にげて = (ni ge te )
Run, running = 走る = はしる = (ha shi ru)
Second, Krone said tag in same time above one.
- playing tag = おにごっこ = (o ni go kko)

demon = おに = (o ni)
but, when Japanese said playing tag is おにごっこ。
SFromA Level 2
Level 2 is a long sentence, so you focus on some words at one time.
This time, you don’t need to worry about connection words!
First, Izabera talks with Emma.
- Right now, it’s just the caretaker, and the children meant to be food.
→ 今ここではただの飼育員と食用児。
→ いまここではただのしいくいんとしょくようじ。
→ (ima kokodeha tadano shiikuinn to syokuyouji)

- right now = いまここでは = (i ma ko ko de wa)
- it’s just = ただの = (ta da no)
- caretaker, keeper = しいくいん = (shi i ku i nn)
You should know this one.
free = ただ = (ta da) or
= 無料 = むりょう = (mu ryo u)
Second, Izabera takes with Krone.
- Pack up immediately and go back to headquarters.
→ 今すぐ荷物をまとめて、本部に戻りなさい。
→ いますぐにもつをまとめて、ほんぶにもどりなさい。
→ (imasugu nimotuwo matomete, honnbuni modorinasai)

- pack up = まとめる = (ma to me ru)
- baggage = にもつ = (ni mo tu)
- immediately = いますぐ = (i ma su gu)
- go back = もどる = (mo do ru)
You can learn Imperative from this sentence.
〜〜〜しなさい。(~~~shi na sa i) means someone tells you to do something. Many mother uses this しなさい to kids!
SFromA Level 3
Level 3 focuses on Japanese connection words.
First, izabera talks with Emma.
- Right now, it’s just the caretaker, and the children meant to be food.
→ 今ここではただの飼育員と食用児。 - → いまここではただのしいくいんとしょくようじ。
- → (ima kokodeha tadano shiikuinn to syokuyouji)

and = と (to)
Other example, Apple and orange
soccer and baseball
Second, Gilda said
- Are we stopping Emma and Norman?
→ エマとノーマンを止めるの?
→ えまとのーまんをとめるの?

と (to) is same above one.
を (wo) is normally use to connection.
↓↓ Just memorize this one↓↓
Thank you for meal いただきます (i ta da ki ma su)