こんにちは! (ko nn ni ti wa !) → hello.
What’s up guys!
Are you ready to study Japanese? Anime character waits for you on TV or your phone!
Let’s keep studying!
SFromA Level 1
First one, Krone talks about kids in the farm.
- Escape = 逃げる = にげる = (ni ge ru)
Krone said that 逃げろよ = にげろよ = (ni ge ro yo)
Also, she said same words but different subtitles.
逃げて = にげて = (ni ge te )
Run, running = 走る = はしる = (ha shi ru)
Second, Krone said tag in same time above one.
- playing tag = おにごっこ = (o ni go kko)
demon = おに = (o ni)
but, when Japanese said playing tag is おにごっこ。
SFromA Level 2
Level 2 is a long sentence, so you focus on some words at one time.
This time, you don’t need to worry about connection words!
First, Izabera talks with Emma.
- Right now, it’s just the caretaker, and the children meant to be food.
→ 今ここではただの飼育員と食用児。
→ いまここではただのしいくいんとしょくようじ。
→ (ima kokodeha tadano shiikuinn to syokuyouji)
- right now = いまここでは = (i ma ko ko de wa)
- it’s just = ただの = (ta da no)
- caretaker, keeper = しいくいん = (shi i ku i nn)
You should know this one.
free = ただ = (ta da) or
= 無料 = むりょう = (mu ryo u)
Second, Izabera takes with Krone.
- Pack up immediately and go back to headquarters.
→ 今すぐ荷物をまとめて、本部に戻りなさい。
→ いますぐにもつをまとめて、ほんぶにもどりなさい。
→ (imasugu nimotuwo matomete, honnbuni modorinasai)
- pack up = まとめる = (ma to me ru)
- baggage = にもつ = (ni mo tu)
- immediately = いますぐ = (i ma su gu)
- go back = もどる = (mo do ru)
You can learn Imperative from this sentence.
〜〜〜しなさい。(~~~shi na sa i) means someone tells you to do something. Many mother uses this しなさい to kids!
SFromA Level 3
Level 3 focuses on Japanese connection words.
First, izabera talks with Emma.
- Right now, it’s just the caretaker, and the children meant to be food.
→ 今ここではただの飼育員と食用児。 - → いまここではただのしいくいんとしょくようじ。
- → (ima kokodeha tadano shiikuinn to syokuyouji)
and = と (to)
Other example, Apple and orange
soccer and baseball
Second, Gilda said
- Are we stopping Emma and Norman?
→ エマとノーマンを止めるの?
→ えまとのーまんをとめるの?
と (to) is same above one.
を (wo) is normally use to connection.
↓↓ Just memorize this one↓↓
Thank you for meal
(i ta da ki ma su)