Hello guys! Are you ready to study Japanese?
I think everybody knows that Japanese is hard, and it is important to keep studying.
Let’s do today section!
SFromA Level 1
First, Emma and Norman talk with Krone, and they work for each goals.
- goals = 目的 = もくてき = (mo ku te ki)
- purpose = もくてき = (mo ku te ki)
goal = ゴール = ごーる = (go – ru)
- corporate = 協力する = きょうりょくする = (kyo u ryo ku su ru)
corporation = 協力 = きょうりょく = (kyo u ryo ku)
You should memorize it, and you can understand how to change these words for the past sentence or future sentences.
SFromA Level 2
Level 2 is sentence, but you still focus on words!
Norman and Krone are talking.
- When we escape, I don’t want to take risks with blood loss or infections.
→ 出ていく時から出血や感染症のリスクまでおいたくない。
→ でていくときからしゅっけつやかんせんしょうのりすくまでおいたくない。
→ (deteikutoki kara syukketu ya kannsennsyou no risukumade oitakunai)
- escape = 逃げる = にげる = (ni ge ru)
→in this sentence, でていく(de te i ku) means going to outside. - When A, B. = A とき (to ki), B
- risk = リスク = りすく = (ri su ku)
- blood loss = 出血 = しゅっけつ = (syu kke tu)
- infection = 感染症 = かんせんしょう = (ka nn se nn syo u)
- I don’t want to = したくない = (shi ta ku na i)
Second, Krone told Emma and Norman that
- It only shows the current location but can’t specify who it is.
→ 現在位置だけで、個人の特定はできないの。
→ げんざいいちだけで、こじんのとくていはできないの。
→ (gennzai iti dakede, kojinn no tokutei ha dekinaino)
- current location = 現在位置 = げんざいいち = (ge nn za i i chi)
- current = 最近 = さいきん = (sa i ki nn)
- can’t specify who it is = 特定できない = とくていできない = (to ku te i de ki na i)
SFromA Level 3
Level 3 is the Japanese connection words.
Japanese connection words between words and words change every time. Also, meaning has a lot.
Thus, you need to know a lot of Japanese connection words.
- When we escape, I don’t want to take risks with blood loss or infections.
→ 出ていく時から出血や感染症のリスクまでおいたくない。
→ でていくときからしゅっけつやかんせんしょうのりすくまでおいたくない。
→ (deteikutoki kara syukketu ya kannsennsyou no risukumade oitakunai)
Yellow hightlight is Japanese connection words.
→ this や (ya) means “or”
Actually, when Japanese use “or” in conversation, we use “か” (ka) too.
EX) apple or orange = りんごかみかん = (ri nn go ka mi ka nn)
At least today, remeber the ”や” and “か”
↓↓ Just memorize this one↓↓
It’ll be okay. 大丈夫 だいじょうぶ (da i jyo u bu)