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I know you can do it!!! Keep going.
SFromA Level 1
- 手ぶらで? = てぶらで? = (te bu ra de?)
→ empty-handed?
You ask me how is it pronounce it?
You can check anime. Touka-cha teach you instead of me!
This sentence used by Tsuka-chan when Kaneki coming to her room.
- ばれやしないって = (ba re ya shi na i tte)
→ No one will find out.
The sentence used by Nishik’s sister.
This sentence’s form is for conversation.
ばれない = (ba re na i) means nobody can’t find. (60%).
If you want to say nobody can find (100%), you should say
ぜったいばれない(ze tta i ba re na i).
SFromA Level 2
- 何しにきたの? = なにしにきたの? = (na ni shi ni ki ta no?)
→ What are you here for?
You can memorize this one, and you can use it.
This sentence used by Touka-chan to Kaneki.
Kaneki going to her room てぶら。
- 食べ過ぎ。= たべすぎ = (ta be su gi)
→ eating too much
This sentence used by Touka-chan when she eats too much of her friends’ food.
It is an interesting point.
If you say たべすぎた(ta be su gi ta), it means I eating too much.
If you want to tell someone who eats too much, You can say たべすぎだよ(ta be su gi da yo)。
SFromA Level 3
= どうしたらにしきくんをたすけてあげられるの?
= (do u shi ta ra ni shi ki ku nn wo ta su ke te a ge ra re ru no?)
→ what can I do to help Nishiki?
It looks long.. But you can separate to think about it.
1, どうしたら(do u shi ta ra)= how do I? What I can do?
2, たすける(ta su ke ru)= help you.
Again, it is an interesting point. Just little be change, and the sentence meaning is super different.
たすける(ta su ke ru)=I help you
たすけたい(ta su ke ta i) = I want to help you
たすけて(ta su ke te)= help me
にしきくん (ni shi ki ku nn) Nishiki… 私ね,にしきくんが初めて声をかけてくれたあの頃、 わたしね、にしきくんがはじめてこえをかけてくれたあのころ (wa ta shi ne, ni shi ki ku nn ga ha ji me te ko e wo ka ke te ku re ta a no ko ro) You know what? When you first called out to me that day, お父さんとお母さんと おとうさんとおかあさんと (o to u sa nn to o ka a sa nn to) I’d lost my mom and dad 二つ年下の弟を事故で亡くしたの。 ふたつとししたのおとうとをじこでなくしたの。 (hu ta tsu to shi shi ta no o to u to wo ji ko de na ku shi ta no.) and my brother two years younger than me in an accident. 悲しすぎて、死んでしまえば楽なのかなって考えたりしてた。 かなしすぎて、しんでしまえばらくなのかなってかんがえたりしてた。 (ka na shi su gi te, shi nn de shi ma e ba ra ku na no ka na tte ka nn ga e ta ri shi te ta.) I was so sad, I was thinking I would rather be dead. でも、にしきくんがいてくれて救われた。 でも、にしきくんがいてくれてすくわれた。 (de mo, ni shi ki ku nn ga i te ku re te su ku wa re ta.) But Nishiki, you being there for me saved me. だから、、、 (da ka ra,,,) So… いいよ。生きて。 いいよ、いきて。 (i i yo. I ki te.) It’s okay. Live. By Kimi(Nishiki's girlfriend)