- English and Japanese are very different, so don’t worry that you can’t understand everything.
- You should study every day, so Anime is helpful. Whenever you can hear real Japanese. You don’t need to pay for a Japanese tutor.
- you should keep studying in your life.
Thus, Anime is helpful because Anime has a lot of kinds.
※If you never studying Japanese, you should watch this one first.
1, Do you just watch Anime?
2, The first step to study Japanese
3, How to use “Study from Anime(SFromA)”??
Tokyo ghoul is thinking about life in different aspects. Ghoul and humans are different, but they have their own family, personality, and life.
we can think about diversity through Tokyo Ghoul…
Let’s study !!!
SFromA Level 1
Today’s level is that I teach you which guy is good for study Japanese in Tokyo Ghoul.
- 金木研 = Kaneki Ken
- ヒデ = Hideyoshi nagachika
- 店長 = Yoshimura

These are super good Japanese speaker. They do not use bad words, and slow speaker, so it is good for study.
On the other hand, some guys are difficult to understand if you are not Japanese.
- とうかちゃん = Touka Kiraishima
- にしき = Nishio Nishiki
- つきやま = Shuu Tukiyama

Touka and Nishiki used a lot of bad words. It is not good to study Japanese. If you can understand most Japanese, you can study from these guys. You can understand deeper.
SFromA Level 2
- どうでもいい = (do u de mo i i)
→ I don’t care

The sentence used by Hinami.
Could you find it??
Level 2 is you can memorize, and you can use it.
- 何を言っている? = なにをゆっている? = (na ni wo yu tte i ru?)
→ what are you talking about?

Amon used this sentence to Kaneki.
He speaks slow, so try to find it without subtitle!
SFromA Level 3
- この世界は間違っている = このせかいはまちがっている。
(ko no se ka i ha ma ti ga tte i ru.)
→ This whole world is messed up.

This sentence used by Amon.
Yellow Highlight is a connection word.
So, this sentence can split into two.
このせかい = this whole world
まちがっている = wrong, messed up.
グールにだって感情はあるんだ。 ぐーるにだってかんじょうはあるんだ。 (gu-runidatte/kannjyouha/arunnda.) Ghouls have feelings, too. 人間と変わらないんだ。 にんげんとかわらないんだ。 (ninngennto/kawaranainnda.) No different than humans do. なぜ人間はそこに目を向けない? なぜにんげんはそこにめをむけない? (naze/ninngennha/sokoni/mewo/mukenai?) Why don’t human turn their attention toward that? わかろうとしない? (wakarouto/shinai?) Why don’t they try to understand? こんな当たり前のことなのに。 こんなあたりまえのことなのに。 (konnna/atarimaenokoto/nanoni.) It’s something so obvious. こんな簡単なことなのに、 こんなかんたんなことなのに、 (konnna/kanntannnakoto/nanoni) It’s something so simple. 僕だけだ。それに気付けるのも、それを伝えられるのも ぼくだけだ。それにきずけるのも、それをつたえられるのも (bokudakeda. soreni/kizukerunomo, sorewo/tutaerarerunomo) I’m the only one… who is aware of it… who can communicate it.. グールの僕だけだ。 ぐーるのぼくだけだ。 (gu-runo/boku) Only me, the ghoul… 人間の僕だけだ。 にんげんのぼくだけだ。 (ninngennno/bokudakeda.) Only me, the human… 僕だけなんだ。 ぼくだけなんだ。 (bokudakenannda) I’m the only one. By Ken Kaneki