Welcome back SFromA!
Let’s keep going! Don’t rash. You just need to keep studying!
SFromA Level 1
Today’s section is what and how a Japanese uses questions??
First, Emma asks Ray about where is a good place in the plant.
- Where = どこ (do ko)
You know when you talk, you use just “Where” right?
It is same in Japanese, so you can use just “どこ” is fine!
There is another question…
- when = いつ (i tsu)
- what = なに (na ni)
- why = なぜ (なぜ)
Second… I teach you how Japanese say body parts.
- hand = て(te)
- ear = みみ(mi mi)
There is another body parts.
- head = あたま (a ta ma)
- neck = くび (ku bi)
- Shoulder = かた(ka ta)
- chest = むね(mu ne)
Today’s section is super important, so try to memorize all words!
SFromA Level 2
This is level two. You can see a lot of words in sentence.
First, Ray talked about new mom.
- She’s settling down in a bad spot.
(i ya na ba syo ni su mi tu ki ya ga tta)
bad spot = いやなばしょ(i ya na ba sho)
setting down = すみつく(su mi tu ki)
~~がった(ga tta) used a lot by Ray. The words are not formal, the words use by young guys. ※don’t use lady!!
Second, New mom (Krone)
- Running while carrying two kids. You must be tired, Emma.
(hu ta ri ka ka e te ha shi ri tu du ke te, tu ka re ta de sho, Emma)
Here is the words.
- Run = はしる(ha shi ru)
- while~ = ~のあいだ(〜a i da)
- tired = つかれた(tsu ka re ta)
SFromA Level 3
How’s going so far? I know you can do it. Let’s keep it!!!
From here, level 3. Check the conecction words until generally understand.
First, Emma said that
- Where and what kind of a device would be the most convenient to implant?
(do ko ni, do nn na ha sshi nn ki wo u me ko me ba tsu go u ga i i?)
Don’t forget that when you ask to someone, the end of last words is going to rise.
There are the words in this sentence
- where = どこ(do ko)
- what kind = どんな(do nn na)
- device = きかい(ki ka i)
- concenient = つごうがいい(tsu go u ga i i )
- implant = うめこむ(u me ko mu)
Today is rest day haha. Level three is just one! Nice work.
↓↓Just memorize this one↓↓
What do you mean? どういうこと??(do u i u ko to?)